Thursday, April 23, 2020


Two days of academic elearning this week.
Two days that have felt completely different.

Tuesday felt low and sad.
Today felt high and joy-filled.

It wasn’t just me...I could see it in my kiddos.

Tuesday’s google meet lunch was quiet, almost melancholy.
Today was full of smiles, bright faces.
Tuesday we shared what we are missing.
Today we laughed at what we are enjoying.

I am finding during these strange times that the emotions need permission.  
My emotions need permission.  
My students’ emotions needed permission, on both days.  

Two days.
Two extremes.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Cool Ranch Doritos

I love Cool Ranch Doritos.  LOVE! THEM!  I never buy them for myself because I have ZERO self control when they are in my house.

I was gifted some the other day.  They showed up in a package from a former student.  I wasn't expecting a package, let alone a package with a letter, some books for my classroom, and A BAG OF COOL RANCH DORITOS.

My students, past and present, know that I love Cool Ranch Doritos.  I have a rule about Cool Ranch Doritos in my classroom.  They write to future students to tell them about Cool Ranch Doritos.  And, on a rare occasion, I will share my Cool Ranch Doritos with those students.  They know this is a BIG deal!

Something so seemingly simple brought me great joy during a rough time.

I'm eating some while I write.  They are totally crumbled, but I don't care.  Each new bite begins with a search for the chip with the most flavoring on it.    

I love Cool Ranch Doritos.